bva extra image from the major BVA event Listen to Learners" in Melbourne 2010

Build your own BVA eXtra event locally!

Each year a selection of ingenious students - from primary to university age - are invited along to a major event - Be Very Afraid - to show and talk about the extraordinary things they are doing with new technologies in their learning. Until now, all BVAs have been major national events - students are recruited nationally: the first 6 BVAs were UK wide, BVA 7 was the first of what we hope will be a series of Australia wide events and a Hong Kong wide event is also now scheduled.

The BVA videos are shown worldwide by many as part of professional development or within initial teacher education, they are used in discussions within schools, shown at conferences and cherished everywhere. Inevitably now the many who have been inspired over the years are asking:

"can we host a local or regional BVA ourselves?, perhaps without such a need for sponsor support?".

Shortly the answer to that question will be "yes, you can". BVA eXtras (as they will be known) are exactly that local or regional event, but will need to adhere to a number of guiding principles to keep them faithful to the original philosophy.

Joanne Hopper's team and colleagues in St. Clair County, Michigan - good friends - have agreed to host the pioneering first BVA eXtra, this summer. Safe in their hands. Their notes, experiences, records, videos and successes will help determine the details for other following in their wake. We do anticipate a lot of local and regional BVAs, a most wonderful source of global inspiration, but also lovely local celebrations of students' achievment - local celebrations, but with a global audience!

All those details and full guidance for running your own BVA eXtras will be available from this site after September 2011. You could start running BVA eXtras right away, so this page gives you notice if you want to start planning dates and times for the end of 2011 or beyond. remains the guiding organisation in all these events, but nothing can or will happen without great teams on the ground, astonishing students with their teachers, and kindly sponsors, whether it is a national, regional or local event. If you are thinking about hosting such an event, until the full guidance is published you will find it helpful to contact's Lys Johnson. Lys' contact details are here.

this page last updated on Thursday, May 26, 2011 9:15 AM